XYZprinting 3SH1ASEUXTH6BS0258 – Escáner 3D portátil

XYZprinting 3SH1ASEUXTH6BS0258 – Escáner 3D portátil

XYZprinting 3SH1ASEUXTH6BS0258 - Escáner 3D portátil

  • Con tecnología Intel RealSense, el escáner 3D de XYZprinting es rápido tanto en la capacidad de escaneo como en la velocidad de procesamiento
  • Permite un alcance de funcionamiento de entre 0,1 y 0,7 metros y una resolución con calidad de 640 x 480 a 30 FPS
  • El escáner 3D portátil de XYZprinting tiene un diseño compacto y ligero que le permite moverlo alrededor de aquello que desea escanear para realizar el escaneo con facilidad
  • Para mayor portabilidad, el escáner 3D de XYZprinting, se puede llevar en la parte posterior de una tableta, equipo portátil o de cualquier otro dispositivo
  • A un precio que te va sorprender, el escáner 3D de XYZprinting es el escáner 3D más versátil, ligero y asequible del mercado

Requires Windows 8.1 or later
This lightweight and portable Handheld 3D Scanner is powered by an Intel® RealSense module which gives it its full-colored scanning ability and a 648×480 at 30 fps scanning resolution.
Real Sense, Real Powerful
Powered by Intel® RealSense module, the XYZprinting 3D Scanner is fast in both scanning ability and processing speed. It allows for a 10 – 70 cm, operating range with the wide scanning distance of 15 – 25 cm, and the quality resolution of 640 x 480 at 30FPS.
Scan with Ease
The XYZprinting Handheld 3D Scanner has a compact and light design which allows you to move it around the desired target for scanning with ease. No large, complicated equipment necessary!
Take it Wherever You Go
Use the clip on the back of the XYZprinting 3D Scanner to a tablet, laptop, or any other one of your favorite devices for increased portability.
Great Affordability
At just EUR 199, the XYZprinting 3D Scanner is the most versatile, lightweight, and affordable 3D scanner on the market.
Scan and Print
Turn your physical world into digital replicas, where you can modify them, and then reproduce them with 3D printing. Need to replace that broken part that you can’t find in stores? Want to make a gift for someone but don’t know how to 3D model it? Simply scan the desired objects to recreate them in different sizes or change it completely to create new ones.
Powered by Intel® RealSense
It’s fast in both scanning ability and processing speed.It allows for a wide scanning distance, great accuracy and reliability.
Exclusive Software
The XYZscan has two scan modes: Head Mode and Object Mode. These modes ensure that you get the best results when scanning to make 3D portraits or replicating objects.
Great Affordability
At just USD199, the XYZprinting 3D Scanner is the most affordable scanner on the market.
Scan Engine
Intel® RealSense Cam

List Price: EUR 182,95

Price: EUR 179,00
